Party Wall Pricing Guide

Serve Party Wall Notice
Encompass serves notice of the works to your neighbours informing them of their options.
Schedule of Condition
This is normally included in the Party Wall Award however if you/ your neighbours have decided not to have the Party Wall Award then they may request this so that everyone is aware of the condition of the property prior to notifiable works commencing. (This does not legally cover you).
Party Wall Award
The legal document outlining your rights and responsibilities under the Party Wall etc Act 1996. Including a Schedule of Condition.
Appointment as Agreed Surveyor+£200

Prices quoted are a guide of usual costs, this may vary.

Surveying Price Guide

Building Survey
A building survey is the most thorough and detailed visual report that you can commission on the condition of a property covering the make up and fabric of the building and a room by room description and comment on any issues that would need attention either immediately or in the future.
Damp Report
This is a report which will look solely at the affect of damp and its cause in your property.
£150- £550
Specific Defect Report
As the name suggests this is a report commissioned by the susceptive home owner/ owner on an area of specific concern and can cover a wide variety of subjects.
£150- £650

Prices quoted are a guide of usual costs, this may vary.

Free 20 minute consultation

Do I need a party wall survey? Will I need to appoint a surveyor? What is the benefit of a “schedule of conditions”? What are the costs? We can help with all your party wall, surveying or any other questions with a free 20 minute consultation. Quote the code: PW20.